Posted at 09:12 AM in 2012 Presidential Election, Black Voters, Citizen Journalism, Civic Apps, Civic Engagement, Civic Innovation, Cost of Freedom App, Election '12, Election Day 2012, Foot Soldiers for Democracy, Power of the Sister Vote, Social Media, STEM, Voting Rights, Yo! Philly Votes | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Civic Engagement, Civic Innovation, Election 2012, Election Day 2012, Philly Voters, Voter ID, Voter Turnout, Yo! Philly Votes
I’m now developing an app to help protect the rights of those who show up on Election Day.
I’d like to share an excerpt from my post about the Ushahidi-powered Yo! Philly Votes, which was published yesterday on the Ushahidi blog:
I am a voting rights activist who has monitored elections in Angola, Ethiopia and Nigeria, and led democracy workshops in Kazakhstan. Since 2006, I have live-blogged from Election Day command centers organized by the Election Protection Coalition and the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation.I’m now spearheading Yo! Philly Votes, a citizen-led initiative that will crowdsource election protection in Philadelphia, the birthplace of the American democracy.
Read more: Yo! Philly Votes Will Turn Data into Action
Posted at 08:35 AM in #PHLWatchdog, 2012 Presidential Election, Citizen Journalism, Civic Apps, Civic Engagement, Civic Innovation, Digital Journalism, Digital News, Election '12, Election Day 2012, Social Media, Tracking Change, Voter ID, Voting Rights, Yo! Philly Votes | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Azavea, Civic App, Civic Innovation, Election Protection, Foot Soldiers for Democracy, Hacks for Democracy, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Philadelphia and Vicinity Coalition on Black Civic Partcipation, Unity '12, Ushahidi, Yo! Philly Votes
Posted at 07:05 PM in 2012 Presidential Election, Black Voters, Civic Apps, Civic Engagement, Civic Innovation, Cost of Freedom App, Election '12, Election Day 2012, Election Protection Coalition, Race, Voter ID, Voting Rights | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Civic App, Civic Innovation, Cost of Freedom App, Cost of Freedom Project, Voter ID, Voter Turnout
In a letter to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, Pennsylvania General Counsel James Schultz wrote:
Upon my initial review of your letter, I was optimistic that surely your inquiry marked the long overdue renewal of the Department of Justice’s previously abandoned review of the 2008 voter intimidation case in Philly, a review that would be particularly well-timed in this presidential election year, as I trust Attorney General Holder and the Department of Justice share the Commonwealth’s commitment to ensuring that no violation of the voting rights of Pennsylvanians be tolerated. Unfortunately, my optimism proved unwarranted as I read your letter and learned that you are requesting information “concerning Pennsylvania’s compliance with Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.”
The minor incident involving three knuckleheads was captured on video on Election Day 2008, It has since been played in an endless loop by Fox News. Unfortunately, there’s no countervailing data to rebut the Big Lie of voter intimidation.
But this time, we’ll be ready for them. I am developing an app, Yo! Philly Votes, that will aggregate and visualize multiple sources of real-time Election Day incident reports. Using software developed by Jon Gosier, we’ll be able to contextualize the sources of reports.
If Yo! Philly Votes had been around in 2008, we would have real-time data that the eyewitness to the incident, Chris Hill,a Republican activist, was at the polling place for an hour and did not see any voters turned away. There were no other reports of voter intimidation. If the source of the incident report had been considered, the bogus story would have remained just that – bogus. Instead, made-for-Fox-News story became a justification for election law changes that have been enacted across the country, including Pennsylvania's restrictive voter ID law.
For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter: @215votes.
Posted at 08:45 AM in #PHLWatchdog, 2008 Presidential Election, 2012 Presidential Election, Civic Apps, Civic Engagement, Civic Innovation, Cost of Freedom App, Election '08, Election '12, Election Day 2008, Election Day 2012, Social Media, Voter ID, Yo! Philly Votes | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Cost of Freedom App, Cost of Freedom Project, metaLayer, New Black Panthers, Tom Corbett, Ushahidi, Voter ID, Voting Rights Act, Yo! Philly Votes
Posted at 09:35 AM in 2012 Presidential Election, Cost of Freedom App, Election Day 2012, Voter ID, Voting Rights | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Cost of Freedom App, Herman Cain, Ken Blackwell, Voter ID, Voter Suppression
I am in New York City for Personal Democracy Forum, an annual conference that focuses on the intersection of technology, civic engagement, politics and government. I’m attending as one of nine Tumblr Fellows.
As the chief evangelist for the Cost of Freedom Project, a citizen-led initiative that’s powered by we the people, I’m particularly interested in the “We Government” breakout track. Speakers will present ideas and tips on “the variety of ways the people and their governments are using data to make civic life smarter and more responsive to public needs.”
With the voter suppression schemes in place across the country, voting rights advocates must work harder and smarter to remove barriers to the ballot box and ensure all votes are counted.
During a recent broadcast of “Hour of Power,” Al Sharpton said:
This is not a normal election. We don’t know what we’re dealing with.
That’s true. But we do know that True the Vote will be out in force challenging voters’ eligibility and causing confusion at the polls. They’re crowdsourcing voter suppression; we must crowdsource voter protection.
Yo! Philly Votes will aggregate, visualize and contextualize multiple sources of real-time Election Day incident reports so that problems can be addressed and corrected in real time. We’re leveraging the power of Web 2.0 to fight Voter Suppression 2.0.
Posted at 04:24 AM in 2012 Presidential Election, Black Voters, Black Women Voters, Citizen Journalism, Civic Apps, Civic Engagement, Civic Innovation, Cost of Freedom App, Election '12, Election Day 2012, Power of the Sister Vote, Race, Social Media, Social Networks, Social Web, STEM, Voter ID, Voting Rights, Yo! Philly Votes | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Al Sharpton, Cost of Freedom App, True the Vote, Tumblr Fellow, Voter ID, Voter Suppression, Voter Turnout, Voting Rights, Yo! Philly Votes
Posted at 06:28 PM in #PHLWatchdog, 2012 Presidential Election, Accountability, Accountability Journalism, Citizen Journalism, Civic Apps, Civic Engagement, Civic Innovation, Cost of Freedom App, Digital Journalism, Digital News, Election '12, Election Day 2012, Election Protection Coalition 2012, Social Media, Social Networks, Social Web, STEM, Tracking Change, Transparency, Voter ID, Voting Rights, Yo! Philly Votes | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Civic App, Civic Engagement, Civic Innovation, Civic Innovation, Election 2012, Election Protection Coalition, Random Hacks of Kindness, Voter ID, Voter Protection, Voter Suppression, Voter Turnout, Yo! Philly Votes