During his address before a joint session of Congress, President Obama exhorted Congress to “pass this bill,” the American Jobs Act.
Until yesterday, no bill had been filed in the House. That changed when Republican Rep. Louis Gohmert bust a cheeky move and introduced H.R. 2911, the “American Jobs Act of 2011.”
In a statement, Gohmert said:
We have heard a lot of rhetoric about job creation from President Obama over the last several days. After waiting to see what the President would actually put into legislative language, and then waiting to see if anybody would actually introduce the President’s bill in the House, today I took the initiative and introduced the “American Jobs Act of 2011.” It is a very simple bill, which will eliminate the corporate tax which serves as a tariff that our American companies pay on goods they produce here in America.
Ten days later, Obama’s message is: Show me some love and help me pass the “American Jobs Act.”