In the wake of a popular uprising, strongman Hosni Mubarak announced he will not run for reelection. In a televised speech, Mubarak said:
I say in all honesty and regardless of the current situation that I did not intend to nominate myself for a new presidential term. I have spent enough years of my life in the service of Egypt and its people.I am now absolutely determined to finish my work for the nation in a way that ensures handing over its safe-keeping and banner ... preserving its legitimacy and respecting the constitution.
Whatever. Just leave.
In December 2008, I attended the first annual summit of the Alliance for Youth Movements. The summit brought together grassroots leaders from around the world, including Egypt. I have no doubt the young Egyptians I met at Columbia University are protesting in Tahrir (Liberation) Square.
Whether Mubarak steps down now or stays in office until September, the Egyptian people have demonstrated there's nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.