Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, Democrats’ keystone kop point person for the midterm elections, told progressives who thought they voted for change in 2008 to “get over it.”
During an appearance on MSNBC, Rendell said:
If we’ve got some issues with President Obama, save them for another day. If the left or moderate wing of our party wants to challenge somebody, I think it’s fair game. But that’s all over.We need to all of us get over it, get out to vote, even if there’s not a wildly enthusiastic vote. There’s an old maxim on politics, a tepid vote counts exactly the same as a wildly enthusiastic vote.
There’s another old maxim: If you’re in a hole, stop digging. Or in “Fast Eddy’s” case, stop talking.
As one Facebook friend commented:
Telling us to STFU and sit down will not motivate us to go bust our asses for them one more time. Many of us may vote come November but that’s because we perceive it to be in our self-interest and the self-interest of those who have even less power than we do. Bullies don’t impress us whether they ride elephants or donkeys.Message to Fast Eddie: Yes, the Republicans are scary but what is far, far worse than powerfully crazed adversaries are friends and allies who don’t keep their word and don’t watch our backs.
If Obama wants to generate “enthusiasm within the base that helped put him in the White House two years ago,” he should tell his surrogates to show some respect.