Five days and counting. But some voters aren’t waiting. They’re turning out in droves.
Barack Obama has a 19-point lead among early voters, but polls show the race is too close to call. In Florida, for instance, Obama has a two-point lead over John McCain.
Will history repeat itself? There’s already chaos at the polls, lawsuits are flying, and both parties have lawyered up. What if Obama wins the popular vote but loses the Electoral College vote?
CNN’s William Schneider recently asked:
Schneider added:
For African Americans, it would be more than intolerable. The New York Times reports:
Now, in a show of early election enthusiasm, more than 84,200 people have already voted in Duval County, surpassing the number of early votes cast in the last presidential election. Added to 33,800 absentee ballots collected so far, the numbers show that 22 percent of registered voters cast their ballots as of Oct. 27, county election officials said.
But amid excitement over Mr. Obama’s historic candidacy and the chance that the country might choose an African-American president within a matter of days, there is an unmistakable sense of anxiety among blacks here that something will go wrong, that victory will slip away.