Undocumented workers of the world unite. Today is International Workers’ Day.
Illegal aliens, oops, “undocumented workers” are staging “El Gran Paro Americano 2006/The Great American Boycott 2006: Un dia sin inmigrante/A day without an immigrant.”
Yeah, whatever.
Illegal immigrants are urged to boycott work, school and shopping (and here). Their demand: Cede sovereignty over our borders to non-English-speaking, low-skilled foreign nationals:
We will settle for nothing less than full amnesty and dignity for the millions of undocumented workers presently in the U.S. We believe that increased enforcement is a step in the wrong direction and will only serve to facilitate more tragedies along the Mexican-U.S. border in terms of deaths and family separation.
While the gutless wonders in the Senate cower in their wingtips and Ferragamos, polls show Americans support tougher border enforcement (and here).
Hell, even religious folks aren’t forgiving them their trespasses. In a Family Research Council survey of religious conservatives, ninety percent said that illegal immigrants “should be detected, arrested, and returned to their country of origin.”
And this from the Pew Research Center:
Overwhelming majorities across the religious spectrum see Hispanics in a favorable light and view immigrants from Latin America as a hard-working group with strong family values. But when asked about the impact of immigrants on American society and the U.S. economy, many more Americans (including members of each of the three largest religious groups) express negative views. Nearly half of the public, for instance, agrees with the statement that the growing number of newcomers threaten traditional American customs and values, compared with 45% who say that newcomers strengthen American society.
And they’re not high on illegal immigrants in the Rocky Mountain State:
Most Coloradans, like most Americans, understand the fundamental fairness of not allowing foreign nationals residing illegally in the United States to facilitate their illegal residency by accessing taxpayer provided services intended solely for American citizens.
It’s time to take Action: If the Feds won’t, Coloradans will!
Far from appealing to the “better angels of our nature,” the so-called immigrant rights movement is making the Minuteman Project more appealing and spurring a backlash:
An estimated 20 million “illegal aliens,” not “undocumented immigrants” as they like to be called,” have invaded the United States of America. We use the term “invaded” because they have entered this country illegally -- regardless of their reasons for doing so. They are marching in our cities right now. They have threatened to "shut down” our economy on May 1, 2006 to show America, along with our elected officials, that they mean business. They are demanding full amnesty for violating our immigration laws and they are also demanding immediate citizenship.
This illegal invasion has resulted in a host of problems for American taxpayers across our country – problems that our federal government has refused to address. Most of these “criminals” do not pay taxes. They expect the American taxpayer to educate their children and to provide them and their families with healthcare services – for free. Now, they are demanding amnesty and citizenship – or else!
Current immigration laws have not been enforced by our government officials. No employer in the last couple of years has been arrested for hiring illegal aliens. Our elected officials are responsible for creating this problem because of their inaction over the past 20 years.
If you’re sick and tired of paying for the high cost of cheap labor, contact your senators. Let them know that you reject the claim that illegal aliens are standing on the shoulders of civil rights heroes who fought and died for the legal rights of American citizens.