A self-appointed group of black conservatives is meeting today in Washington “to address…the spiraling moral and physical decline taking place within America’s inner cities.” The New Black Vanguard Conference is cosponsored by the conservative Heritage Foundation and the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny whose president and CEO, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, is a frequent guest on Fox News Channel. In fact, Sean Hannity is an advisor to BOND.
Peterson says that black elected and appointed leaders, who have millions of constituents, have become "irrelevant":
Organizations such as the NAACP, Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH, and the Congressional Black Caucus have utterly failed to provide moral leadership in the black community and have become the tools for extremist political agendas.
I will attend this “historic conference” to find out who responded to the call and who, if anyone, does this “principled black leadership” lead.